LSIF 2025 Save the Date.fb cover

The Lake Superior Ice Festival is a family-friendly fun event coordinated by the community.  Our vision is to attract people of all ages and abilities to share in Superior’s passion for all things winter and come together to celebrate the coolest aspects of our City.

Kid’s Activities

There are a number of activities at the festival for kids of all ages, including a snowshoeing obstacle course, making crafts, hanging out at the fire pits while eating s'mores and drinking hot chocolate, watching ice carving demonstrations, getting your photo taken with many of your favorite characters and lots more!

ice throne 2023

Ice Sculptures

Watch the ice sculptors and take your picture on the ice throne or near the ice works of art.



From Kubb to Disc Golf to Mini Golf, Cornhole, Ice Fishing, Saunas and more - we have something for everyone! Check out our full event listing for everything going on!


Celebrate winter with a bang. Join us Saturday night, for a firework show that is timed to music. The fireworks are best viewed from the beach area!

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